Product Designer


I’am a UX/ UI designer and I’am an defender of minimalism to create a great design. I’ come from a background in Graphic Design and Advertising Creation. I’m currently living in São Paulo – Brazil.

If you want to chat about design stuff, grab a coffee and let’s talk!




My Background

As I have been working for more than seven years in the Advertising Industry, I have become a multidisciplinary professional who easily shift **among visual identities, online or offline advertising campaigns and editorial design.

I have always had an inclination for design, and in 2015, when I had my first contact with Design Thinking, I knew that there I could make my way.

Over the years, I have seen the advertising market transformation and my desire for

having a purpose in my projects started to grow my interest for changing. So, at the end of 2019, I decided to start my career transition.

I do believe in design as a way of transformation and the more I learn the more I love this area that is user centered. I feel passionately about using the intersections of design, technology and user experience to create ease and comfort in people’s lives.

My Work

Case Studies

<aside> 👉 Art Direction Portfolio


Get in Touch

<aside> 👉 +55 11 97380-9966


<aside> 👉 [email protected]
